The Best “Dumb Blonde” Moments That Happened to Real People

A Gruesome Mistake


I worked in a veterinary hospital for a good number of years. One day, unknown to me, some little girl had found a lifeless/declining seagull with her family and brought it in to see if we could help it. Unfortunately, it had died by the time they arrived.

Our veterinary technician took the bird for disposal but was too busy to deal with it. That’s when he made a gruesome mistake. Instead of taking a quick minute to put it in the freezer, he just packed the box with the deceased bird into our storage area with dozens of similar boxes and just left it there.

Days went by—while he was still working—and I came back on shift, and something was seriously rank in the office. Customers were complaining.

No one knew what the cause was. Eventually, I found the box buried beneath other supplies. I walked up to my head receptionist and said, “So…seagull”? I watched the absolute fury grow in her eyes. The tech did not last long after that.


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