The Best “Dumb Blonde” Moments That Happened to Real People

Bruised Ego


I worked for a non-profit that hired a guy in fundraising purely “for his Rolodex”. They didn’t care about any of his job functions as long as he kept bringing in more rich people to fundraising parties.

When the pandemic hit and we were forced to go remote, it became clear how incompetent he was with technology and how he had been coasting for years in the office by sticking to phone calls instead of emails, etc.

We had our first major online fundraiser coming up, and I warned my boss that this dude had no idea how Zoom worked. He never muted himself, had his camera up his nose, and treated it like watching a YouTube video.

However, he was the guy inviting all the rich people to the event, so they didn’t want to “lecture him about a computer program” and “hurt his ego”. Big mistake. Then came our massive 200+ person Zoom event.

He set his laptop on his bathroom counter and proceeded to take a shirtless, nasty old man dump—complete with grunting, splashing, and squelching. It was so loud it drowned out the speaker.

They had to end the event early because they had no way to mute him, and it kept going for a full two minutes without stopping. I nearly threw my laptop out a window that night.


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