The Best “Dumb Blonde” Moments That Happened to Real People

Do the Math


My job had 50% off sales fairly regularly. I had one particular customer who stood out. This woman was middle-aged, dressed very well, and looked like she either had done very well for herself or married into money.

For the better part of an hour, she proceeded to ask how much 50% off would come for each and every item she looked at. “What is half of $20? What would half of $50 be? How much is $24.50 after the sale? Could you check to see what half of $60 is? How much is this?” The worst part? 

She did this for every item she touched. I was getting a little frustrated and began giving her short answers. After checking out, her total was about $180. She asked how much she had saved. I calmly told her, “About as much as you paid”.


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