The Best “Dumb Blonde” Moments That Happened to Real People

What’s the Internet?


I used to work for an authorized Apple retailer. One day, this old woman, probably in her late 70s or 80s, came in to ask why her phone was acting up. It was a 4 GB iPhone 4 that had no storage left. She did not understand her smartphone and the upgrades that would be required.

I did my best to explain that she would need to upgrade to a device with more storage so it would work the way she wanted. I told her she could keep all of the pictures of her family; all she would have to do was transfer them through the iCloud system over the internet. 

That’s when she asked the most ridiculous question: “What’s the internet?” At that moment, she had tears running down her face as she genuinely did not understand a thing I had explained. I had to take my lunch break, so I handed her off to my store manager to take over.

When I clocked back in, she was still in the store. This time, at the checkout counter, with her brand new phone that my manager had sold her to meet a monthly sales quota. I’m sure he never told her what the internet was or how to actually use it.


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