The Best “Dumb Blonde” Moments That Happened to Real People

Put the Fire Out


I was doing culinary training in advanced patisserie. We were making sugar sculptures from isomalt. We had to bring in torches to “weld” parts of our sculpture together.

Our instructor explained step by step what to do with the isomalt and explained that when we had our pieces molded and cooled, he would show us how to use the torch.

Many of us were busy molding and cooling our pieces before assembling our sculptures. One of the students who shared a station with me was overly hasty and thought he could just assemble his sculpture without the instructor.

He turned on his torch, set his sculpture on a surface that was covered in plastic wrap, and proceeded to set fire to everything around him. At that point, I was roaring at him to stop, but he just brushed me off and screamed back that he knew what he was doing. Before we knew it, the plastic wrap was on fire.

We quickly grabbed fire blankets, and the instructor managed to put it out, but not before we all had the bejesus scared out of us. The instructor chewed out the student for being so reckless.


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