The Best “Dumb Blonde” Moments That Happened to Real People

Stay Positive


A woman was hired into a position that I was doing the work for and promised a promotion to. I tried to stay positive, but she was an idiot. She came to me asking for help double-checking all the inventory that had been sent out over the past year.

It was an important task because we were a pharmaceutical manufacturer that worked with controlled substances.

The company was way behind the times, so while the current inventory was accounted for via a spreadsheet, most of the records prior to that were just paper packing slips in sleeve protectors in a binder. I helped her get started and went back to trying to get my own work done.

Then, I heard a commotion. She was berating our manufacturing crew because the count was off by 13 cases. She was going bananas, calling people names, and getting our operations director involved.

He came over to me and calmly asked me to double-check her count. She stood over me like a gargoyle while I flipped through the binder.

I got to one day’s particularly large shipment and pulled the very obviously multi-page packing slip out of the sleeve protector. She went white.


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