
The Creepiest Images Caught on Camera by Real People

The Creepiest Images Caught on Camera by Real People January 12, 2023Leave a comment

We've uncovered some seriously spooky photos that vary from unexplainable images of figures caught on camera to locations that are just plain haunting. All things creepy are represented here, from historical oddities to modern curiosities. And one thing's for sure: these scary looking images might make you double check your locks before going to bed.

Saint Bartholomew


Believe it or not, this guy is considered the patron saint of dermatology, which is pretty ironic since he’s missing most of his skin. This is actually the statue of Saint Bartholomew, an early Christian who was skinned alive and eventually beheaded in Armenia after converting the king to Christianity. And if looking at the man’s muscles wasn’t bad enough, here’s something that will bump up the ick factor. That cloth he has wrapped around him isn’t really cloth. It’s skin.

Chicken Factory Farm


Those poor chickens are all cramped next to one another in this factory farm. Their sole purpose is to lay eggs until they can’t anymore. Then they get turned into white meat. This might not seem like a creepy image at first. But when you factor the pain, the loneliness, and the suffering of these creatures, it simply makes you lose faith in humanity. At the very least, it will make you think twice before ordering some 20-piece Chicken McNuggets from McDonalds.

The 8-Legged Visitor in the Lock


If anyone knows a thing or two about hiding spots, it’s spiders. These creatures can hide just about anywhere and invade your home through even the tiniest holes or cracks on the wheel, which this photo proved. It turns out that the spider figured out how to crawl into this home through the keyhole of this backdoor. But its thin white legs make it so scary looking because it’s almost like it’s some kind of ghost.

Missing Persons Map vs Cave Systems Map


There are a lot of reasons why people go missing every year. Sometimes, it’s the result of someone wandering off because they have a mental illness. Other people go missing to escape something horrible in their lives. But sometimes, they go missing as a result of an adventure gone wrong, which explains why the missing persons map is eerily similar to the cave systems map in the United States. Obviously, the majority of reported missing cases are in the same area as these caves. Coincidence?

This Creepy Wasp Nest

Reddit/Dan 68

Insects are resourceful creatures, especially when it comes time to build a nest. Just ask this colony of wasps that used this doll to create their nest. But it’s highly unlikely that they would have the power to lift this damaged doll from the ground, which means someone left it hanging on this tree. Although why anyone would do that is unclear, the blank gaze of the doll’s damage eyes makes this nest even creepier.

Dead Man’s Fingers


This might look like a clip from AMC’s “The Walking Dead,” a show about a group of people struggling to survive in the midst of a zombie apocalypse, but it’s not. Those might look like fingers coming up from the ground but it’s actually a fungus called Xylaria Polymorpha, which has been dubbed Dead Man’s Fingers for obvious reasons. But the resemblance to human fingers is extremely creepy. Even the tips look like fingernails.

The Famine Memorial


The Famine Memorial in Dublin, Ireland, is located on Customs House Quays and was placed there to remember those who lost their lives during the Great Famine. It was a dark time that severely compromised Ireland’s population. Today, those eerie bronze sculptures with their look of sadness and despair serve as a reminder so no one will ever forget the men and women who trudged along the banks of the River Liffey.

The Woman on the Roof


We’ve all had those moments where we’ve sworn that there was someone on the roof of our house, but assume it’s just some neighborhood cat jumping around up there. But the person that took this photo was walking around at night and noticed this creepy image of a woman standing on the roof of a house. But they didn’t really stick around to ask her what she was doing up there because she looked more like a ghostly apparition.

Dementia Artist’s Drawings


The artist behind these portraits was undoubtedly brilliant. This much was obvious from the drawing he made of that man in 1967. Unfortunately, the artist developed dementia, which severely affected the way his brain worked and altered his ability to draw. This became evident in his drawings in the mid-90s all the way to 2000, which showed a gradual decline of his skills with each year. By 1999, the portrait looked more like a vase and by 2000, the portrait was more like a misshapen human face.

This Model Ghost Ship


Building model ships is a rewarding hobby for some people and there are all sorts of ships to choose from like pirate ships to ancient military vessels that once sailed and fought in epic battles across the sea. And like the ship models themselves, there are also a variety of construction types. For example, some are made of wood while others are made of plastic and in some cases, metal. But this handmade ghost ship is spooky because it looks like it was actually made with real bones. And yet despite its creepiness, the level of detail this person put into it is incredible.

The Dachau Concentration Camp


The Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial is a museum that contains photographs, documents and reconstructed cell blocks of this former Nazi chamber of torture which spelled misery, pain and horrible death to captured Jews. But some visitors don’t realize right away what atrocities occurred in chambers like this one where people were cremated alive. But once they do, they feel a sudden wave of horror and despair hit them.

A Scary Underwater Cave Warning Sign


Underwater cave divers put on a wetsuit, strap on their oxygen tanks and make sure their oxygen masks are fully operational before heading into the water to explore some cave formations. But what some people don’t realize is that water is 800 times heavier than air, so when a diver descends, the pressure affects their breathing. As a result, too much oxygen or nitrogen will lead to disorientation and death, which is why someone placed this warning sign with a grim reaper image.

The Creepiest Visitor Ever


This person wasn’t home at the time, but they did receive a notification from their Smart Home App stating the following message: “Your doorbell detected a visitor.” In itself, this was unusual because it was late at night. Why would anyone want to visit at such a horrible hour? But what really gave this homeowner a fright was the image of what looks like a kid with a ghostly face caught on the security camera. Hopefully, it was just a kid wearing a mask and not some kind of demon.

A Squid’s Teeth


Squids have a bunch of suction cups on their tentacles, but most people don’t realize that they have teeth in these cups. And the ones in this photograph look like they’re made out of gold. But it’s just one more reason why people should avoid entering an ocean or a large body of water. But if a diver is bold enough to go in anyway, they need to be extra careful because they just don’t know when one of these squids might pop up and jam their suction cups into their skin.

He Sees You When You’re Sleeping


This person’s mother received this creepy letter from a cousin she hadn’t spoken to in 20 years. This reportedly crazy cousin had been living in the Hawaiian mountains all that time without electricity. And this was their way of saying hello. This was either meant as a joke or they really are crazy because this letter is the thing a psychopath sends to someone after they’ve kidnapped somebody’s loved one. Luckily there’s no ransom demand so we're hoping this is nothing but a tasteless joke... or someone willing to do anything to go viral. Cough, cough.

The Three Cages Hanging on St. Lambert’s Cathedral


There are three cages hanging on St. Lambert’s Cathedral in Munster, Germany that were used centuries ago for less than holy purposes. Back in 1536, these cages held the remains of opposing religious leaders in the area that had been dismembered and left on display for the public to see. Although this barbaric practice is no longer in use, these cages were obviously built to last and serve as a reminder of dark chapter in human history.

The Babadook


“The Babadook” is a 2014 Australian horror film about a single mom who has a son who lives in fear of a monster hiding inside their home called the Babadook. At first, she doesn’t believe him but later realizes that her son isn’t imagining things. Well, in case anyone’s wondering, this is what the Babadook looks like. And although this is just a person cosplaying, the likeness to the creature from the film is incredibly similar and probably made a child or two cry on the streets.

The Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia


The Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is no longer a prison. In fact, it has been turned into a museum of sorts where guests can tour through what was known as one of the most and expensive prisons in the world. Sadly, it’s in virtual ruins today and many of the rooms are hauntingly creepy. Who knows? Maybe there are a couple of ghosts roaming around the halls of this penitentiary which has obviously seen better days.

This Former Home


This looks like some sort of giant rock sticking out of the ground, but it was once a home complete with a family and all. But over the years, the property was abandoned and trees started sprouting up from underneath the property. Now it looks more like a tree house as the branches continue to grow through every side of the structure. This would make a perfect spot for the next Halloween horror flick.

These Stairs Lead to Darkness


Most people would describe their jobs as hell on earth, but this may be the literal interpretation of it. In order to leave the building, this employee has to walk down these stairs into that seemingly black abyss that leads to nothing but darkness. What she needs to do is either demand someone put a light fixture down below or look for another job that doesn’t force employees to walk down into a black hole in order to leave.

The Ghostly Image


This person was walking down the road on his way to work in the morning when he noticed a shadowy figure walking on the other side. The guy assumed that it was another pedestrian walking on the sidewalk adjacent to him, but it could have also been a ghost. And just in case, the figure decided to do something supernatural or attack, he decided to take a photo and send it to his wife who was equally spooked.

Skull Rock Formation


Located in the Apostle Islands in Lake Superior, Wisconsin, is this skull rock formation whose location is often mistaken as being in Indonesia. It turns out that the relentless pounding of the waters in Lake Superior has resulted in the sculpting of this wall that looks eerily similar to a human skull. So even though some people believe that it’s digitally altered, there are a lot of claims that the skull rock formation is nothing more than a natural formation.

The Bunker Full of Critters


This homeowner made an interesting discovery in his property. It turns out that they had a bunker underneath their home, but it was very difficult to see. So, they used their phone to take a photo to take a photo of the interior. And when they pulled their arm back and took a look at their screen, they did a double take after discovering that the bunker was full of these critters that look like roaches or crickets. Either way, it’s time to call an exterminator.

This Octopus is Branching Out


An Octopus’s tentacles are already creepy looking enough as they are on their own mainly because there are stories of large versions of these creatures using their tentacles to sink ships at sea. But even though octopi come in different sizes, they all have suction cups on their tentacles which makes them even ickier to some folks. But this particular octopus has unusual tentacles that branch out like the roots of a tree courtesy of a rare mutation.

Old Lady With a Knife


When this homeowner reviewed the footage of their doorbell cam, they discovered that an elderly woman had paid them a visit in the middle of the night. In itself, that’s a bit unusual, but it wouldn’t necessarily raise any red flags. But what’s really creepy about this image is the fact that the woman is holding a knife in her hand. Maybe this was some sort of Friday the 13th or Halloween prank or this lady really did come to the door to kill the homeowners.

A Black Spiderweb


Marvel and more specifically, Spider-Man fans, will assume that this black spiderweb is from Venom, the sentient alien liquid-form who bonds with a host and gives them enhanced powers. Then again, that’s fiction, but this soot covered spiderweb isn’t what it seems to be at all. It’s actually the strands of soot that are held together by static electricity after a horrible fire. So, this may actually be remnants of a fire that raged in this building.

Welcome to the Smile Room


The Smile Room is an urban legend created by Canadian horror artist Trevor Henderson that many believe is a fake room that leads to destruction. According to the story, the door will lead someone into a humanlike mouth with sharp crooked teeth. The legend began in 2006 when three teens found Neb’s Fun World, an amusement complex in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. When two of them went missing, the third teen went looking for them and found a cell phone with a photo of the giant mouth that had manifested in the doorway with the words “The Smile Room written above it. But again, this is just an urban legend.

The Face on the Moth


Although moths look like butterflies, they are actually members of a paraphyletic group of insects that consist of about 160,000 different species. But like butterflies, the patterns and colors on their wings vary. But this particular moth has an unusual pattern. Take a closer look and you’ll see what looks like the face of the devil. And anyone who has ever fallen victim to moths would say that pattern is accurate because moths love to eat clothes and can make holes in your nice dress or sweater.

Bunraku Puppet


This a Bunraku puppet, a half-life-size doll that performs a chanted dramatic narrative known as jōruri to the accompaniment of a three-stringed Japanese lute known as a samisen. The dolls were elaborate costumes and are seen in traditional Japanese puppet theater. But to the person who has never been to a Japanese theater, the face on the top looks like someone who is slightly hungry and the face on the bottoms looks like the expression of someone who is totally “hangry.”

The Reaper on the Bridge


Anyone who believes in things like grim reapers and ghosts would probably gasp if they were walking on this bridge and suddenly noticed this creepy looking creature sitting on the ledge. It looks like a freaking grim reaper waiting to collect souls, which is quite startling. And yet despite the grim (no pun intended) figure, the backdrop of the water and the mountains in the distance is absolutely beautiful. Fortunately, the reaper doesn’t have a scythe.

The Mysterious Mist


No one is sure exactly how this mist came to be, but it looks like an enormous tidal wave that’s about to wash away all those vehicles parked in that lot. There’s something so eerie about that wall of mist that’s oddly supernatural and looks like something you’d expect to read in a Stephen King novel. Anyone sitting in their car is probably scared out of their minds that some other worldly creature will attack from the mist with its enormous tentacles.

This Creepy Note From an Anonymous Slasher


If you ever needed more of an incentive to drive more carefully when you’re on the road, it’s this image. It turns out that a man from Portland walked up to his car and noticed that his tires had been slashed. At first, he was completely confused by how this happened but suspected this was no accident. Then he read the note that was on his dashboard and discovered that the culprit was another driver who wasn’t happy with his driving.

Caution—Do Not Dig


The fact that this huge concrete cube has the words “CAUTION—DO NOT DIG” makes most people even more curious about what’s buried underneath. Is there buried treasure down there? Maybe this is where they buried the body of Jimmy Hoffa. Well, actually, it’s none of those things. The words that follow warn of radioactive material from the 1940s buried down here. So, anyone who starts digging in this area will get an unhealthy dose of radiation poisoning.

Hands Reaching Through the Boardwalk


Look at those tiny hands reaching through the boardwalk. You’d swear that they belonged to a bunch of children trapped on the other side begging the person standing over them for help. Did someone kidnap these kids and imprison them in some kind of cellar? No. These are actually raccoon hands and they actually look all cute and all. But remember that these creatures can carry diseases like rabies, so think about that before sticking your hand through the boardwalk.

Baby Owls or Aliens From Outer Space?


This blurry black and white photo will make even the biggest skeptic believe that life in outer space does exist and has landed on Earth. Just look at these two creatures standing on their hind legs and with those big, black saucer-shaped eyes. They certainly look the kind of aliens that abductees reportedly claim to have seen. But these two creatures aren’t from outer space. They’re actually baby owls, but that doesn’t make them any less creepy.

Chernobyl Reactor Number 4


On April 26, 1986, a nuclear accident occurred near the city of Pripyat in what was known as the north of the Ukrainian SSR in the former Soviet Union. The disaster occurred when reactor number 4 in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant had a meltdown as a result of reactor design flaws. And although the exterior of the plant looks mostly intact, the interior shows the devastation caused by the accident. And it’s said that reactor number 4 will remain radioactive for about 20,000 years.

Pinhead and a Baby


Pinhead was a Hell Priest in the “Hellraiser” film franchise, and as his name suggests, he had a bunch of pins sticking out of his face. But in this photo, he’s seen doing something quite uncharacteristic which is holding an adorable baby in his arms. But there’s no need to ask if the baby needs her diaper change because the horrified look on her face says it all. Ironically, actor Doug Bradley, who is the guy behind the mask was said to be a really nice guy.

A Former Sanitarium Where People Died


This person went on a flashlight tour of a former sanitarium and nursing home that looks totally creepy. Now generally, flashlight tours are self-guided evening tours that allows guests to explore the dark halls of places like this one while hearing scary stories of what happened here. It’s a rare opportunity to glimpse into alleged haunted places like this one where 7,000 people reportedly died. And what’s up with that creepy tricycle in the hallway?

The Bear Uprising


Bears are supposed to be cute and cuddly, aren’t they? Well, these bears don’t look anything like that. In fact, they’re downright scary and menacing, which is really funny considering they’re part of the Christmas display at this mall. But they look like a bunch of disgruntled bears that started to stage an uprising. Maybe the mall administrators should have paid them a better salary and given them paid vacations.

Two Melting Wax Mannequins


This is not a scene from the horror film “House of Wax,” about a group of friends who stumbled on a wax museum made with human victims that were coated in hot wax. But what this photo shows is actually two wax mannequins at a department store that started melting as a result of a London heat wave back in 1929. They probably learned their lesson after this and eventually switched to other materials like plastic and fiberglass.

Face Model for Voldemort/Quirrell


Harry Potter fans will recognize this face model as Voldemort, aka, the Dark Lord considered to have been the most powerful dark wizard of all time. And the face on the other side of the mold is that of Quirinus Quirrell, a half-blood wizard who became the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Whoever made this model is obviously very talented, because the details are magical.

Baby Pulls on Grandma’s Skin


As people grow older, the connective tissue in skin changes, especially in people who have had constant sun exposure because they spend a lot of time outdoors. This produces a condition known as elastosis which makes the skin all leathery and stretchy, which is what this grandmother seems to have. Unfortunately, her grandchild seems to find this amusing and is pulling on her skin so much that it looks extremely disturbing and painful.

Eyes at an Elvis Concert


Was Elvis Presley so famous that he even had ghosts and ghouls from the supernatural realm attending one of his concerts? No. Those are actually just a bunch of fans whose eyes were permanently reflected in the photo when the camera’s flash went off. But it doesn’t make it any less creepy to see all those eyes in the dark gawking back at the King of Rock and Roll.

Tarantula Infected With Parasitic Fungi


It’s hard to believe that this is actually a tarantula because it looks more like some kind of creature from another planet. But this spider isn’t some kind of mutant as a result of radiation. It’s infected with Cordycipitaceae, a type of parasitic fungi that used to infect only plants but has since adapted to infect animals like this tarantula. This is kind of scary because it’s possible that it’s only a matter of time before it migrates to humans.

Halloween in the Early 1900s


Halloween has become super mainstream in the 21st century, but back in the early 1900s, kids made their costumes out of anything they could find. They were very creative, too, which is evident from this photo of these three kids wearing homemade masks. They’re actually a lot creepier than a lot of the plastic and latex masks that are available in party stores today. But in those days, kids didn’t get candies from their neighbors. They would get things like apples and roasted peanuts.

Scorpion and Her Babies


It’s hard to describe something as cute and creepy at the same time, but that’s exactly what this image of a scorpion and her babies are. Most people know how deadly scorpion stings can be, but they don’t often see a scorpion being all maternal like this one is. Hopefully, this mother doesn’t accidentally sting the babies she’s carrying on her back by accident. Also, kudos to the person that’s holding the scorpion family in their bare hands. They probably assume that she won’t dare attack while she’s caring for her young.

The Witch’s Altar


This might look like something you might see in films like “The Blair Witch Project,” or some other creepy TV or movie. But someone actually found this witch’s altar while they were walking their dogs in the woods. Whoever set this up obviously took a lot of time to decorate their ghostly altar. Maybe it was done for ritualistic purposes, or they set this up just to freak someone out. Fortunately, the candles weren’t lit because they could have potentially caused a forest fire.

The Persistent Pupillary Membrane


It looks like some kind of alien parasite that has invaded this person’s pupil, but it’s actually an iris growing over a pupil. Generally speaking, a lot of people develop this condition during the fetal stage, although it usually fixes itself before they are born. But in some rare cases, this condition, known as persistent pupillary membrane, can continue after birth and it can also lead to vision problems like cloudy vision and cataracts. It’s also kind of gross.

This Tree Uprooted a Coffin


An uprooted tree is nothing out of the ordinary, especially after a very windy day. But this must have been a super storm to uproot such a huge tree trunk, and it’s not the only thing the wind raised. When the trunk was uprooted, it took the lid off of a coffin along with it. So, the wind literally woke up the dead. Hopefully, whoever was inside continued to rest peacefully and didn’t rise from the grave like the premise of a good zombie movie.

The Secret Hatch in the Basement


When this homeowner bought their home, they had no idea what was underneath until they ventured into the basement for the very first time and saw this hatch. It was bolted shut as if the previous owner wanted to make sure whatever was inside couldn’t get out. Or perhaps, they wanted to keep anyone from discovering what was hidden on the other side. But what exactly went on down here is anyone’s guess.