People Share Hilarious Stories About the Dumbest People They Have Ever Met

He’s a Belieber


My ex roommate’s boyfriend. He was 22, he actually idolized Bieber, One Direction, etc., and did everything he could to be like them. He was also homophobic, probably gay because he often wore his girlfriend’s clothes from Forever 21, and refused to get a job because “the band is totally gonna make it!”

He also pushed his girlfriend down a set of stairs, and was so in love with himself that he took mirror selfies, posted them on his Facebook, then sent them to his Facebook page that he made for himself.

Absolutely the worst person I’ve ever met. To make sure he didn’t come to the house, I actually convinced him that our building was built on an ancient Indian burial ground, and that strange things did happen from time to time. He never came back.

Story credit: Reddit / zackhankins74

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