People Share Hilarious Stories About the Dumbest People They Have Ever Met

Petrified Trees Come From Food Preservatives


My old roommate’s boyfriend. He spent the better portion of dinner/movie stating how food has too much preservatives in it now, and that’s why there are trees that have been petrified. Petrified trees, because of preservatives in food.

Also, you can’t eat “Bucky Balls” (or any magnet in general) because your body works off of electrical currents, and if you ate a magnet, it could disrupt them.

She was also pretty dumb, spent an entire night sobbing about being pregnant, gets an abortion, and then makes a point to call out people on Facebook for discussing the topic, saying things like, “I could never do that to an unborn child, every child is a gift. Nope, I don’t miss either of them, not even a little bit.

Story credit: Reddit / funderthuck

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