The Most Disrespectful and Awful Houseguests

What’s Under the Bed?


My uncle and his wife came to stay for a while. They got my room and I slept on the couch for a few months, which is no big deal when you’re a kid I guess. What actually ticked me off is that when they finally left, we opened the door and walked into a horror.  They’d seriously messed up my room. Everything reeked, there were ground-up peanut shells in the carpet, ash burns on my mattress, etc…

We couldn’t figure out why the room smelled like an abattoir until we lifted up the bed and found mummified cat poop stuck up in the shag carpeting. They either had such bad hygiene that they didn’t notice the smell or they knew and they just didn’t care.

Story credit: Reddit/SquilliamFancySon95

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