The Most Disrespectful and Awful Houseguests

Completely Bizarre Behavior


My boyfriend’s friend and his girlfriend flew in for the weekend. It started off with all of us working from home and the girlfriend snapping at us anytime we talked. Anytime she said she was hungry, it was implied we need to make her something. She didn’t say thank you or clean up in any way, shape, or form. She started spinning cat hair she would find from my cat between her toes.

I found cat hair yarn for weeks around the house. She wasn’t happy with our guest room and tried to sleep in our room instead. She was upset when she walked in when I was sleeping, and found me in my own bed. Towards the end, she was actively trying to start a fight with my boyfriend by instigating him in an assortment of topics. Her behavior was absolutely bizarre and we didn’t quite understand what was happening. Still don’t.

Story credit: Reddit/quite-handy

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