The Most Embarrassing Real Life Moments

The Last Laugh


Went on a date with this girl a couple of years ago to a comedy show. I picked her up and she was a little tipsy from day drinking with her friends. We go to the comedy show and get seated in the first row. I don’t recall who the comedian was but he did a lot of crowd work.

Halfway through, I look over at my date, and she is head back, mouth open passed out. I knew what was coming—but it was still brutal. The comedian begins ripping into me about boring my date to sleep for five minutes.

By this point, my date wakes up and is with it for a minute or two, but then falls asleep again!  By this point I could tell the comedian would not let me live this down and everyone around me was laughing and giving her concerned looks.

The waitress comes over and pulls my date to the side, giving me an excuse to get my date away from me (good on her for looking out), and asks her if she was safe.

Thankfully we were new in our short relationship because she told me after that if we were closer she would have pranked me or something. Didn’t follow up on another date. Story credit: Reddit / hector_salamanca93

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