The Most Embarrassing Real Life Moments

Got Off on the Wrong Foot


Part of my job is processing new employees. We had this one new guy that just so happened to be in a wheelchair. He came in early on his first day, and I helped him with some paperwork. Then, he came back to my office in the afternoon and said, “I think I got off on the wrong foot with you.”

Thinking that he was making a self-deprecating joke to kind of address the fact that he was in a wheelchair, I laughed and said “Good one!” He just looked at me, blank-faced, and said, “What do you mean?”

The dude really thought he had done something to make me angry earlier and was trying to apologize! I did my best to awkwardly back-pedal by saying, “That’s funny you think I was mad. I wasn’t at all!” He was still looking at me funny when he left the office.

I literally spent a week cringing every time the phone rang because I was sure I was getting called into HR. Story credit: Reddit / gogogidget

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