The Most Embarrassing Real Life Moments

Would You Do It For A Scooby Snack?


When I was working sales I completed an intricate order with a guy from the manufacturing side. Once it was done, he invited me out to dinner to celebrate. I had never met him before, but we had spoken so much through phone and email, I said sure. We ended up meeting at a chain restaurant. 

As soon as I saw him I knew the night would be awkward. Honestly, he looked the way I expected…except that he was dressed head to toe in Scooby-Doo gear. A grown man was wearing matching Scooby clothes, including a hat. The minute we sat at our table, he started talking about Scooby-Doo.

He asked me what my favorite episode was, my favorite character, and with whom do I identify the most. This was over the top, and he did not talk about anything else, even when I changed the subject.

I remember looking over at a table where another couple sat, holding hands and laughing with each other, and thinking “that must be nice” as he began telling me about his Scooby-Doo collectibles and their values. When my food arrived, I immediately asked for a box.

He went quiet, and I could tell he knew the date was done. We split the bill and as I walked out to my vehicle, he said, “We’re not going out again, are we?” I told him no, we aren’t, and he wished me well before walking away. I honestly felt bad for him.

He knew what he was like but just couldn’t help it. Nice guy, but I couldn’t cope. I hope he eventually found his Velma. Story credit: Reddit / Wifevealant

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