The Most Embarrassing Real Life Moments

Embarrassment Sunny Side Up


I had been chatting up this really awesome dude and he invited me over to hang out one night. At the time I didn’t have a bank account and just kept cash on me. On my way there I ask if I can stop and pick up anything from the store, and he replies that drinks would be good.

I ended up spending a fantastic night with him cuddling. The next morning, I invited him to get breakfast with me. Breakfast is going great until the check comes. I grabbed my wallet to pay, and completely forgot I spent all my cash on drinks the night before. I wanted to fall through the floor.

I’m apologizing while asking him to cover breakfast promising  I’ll pay him back that afternoon. He explains he didn’t bring his wallet because I said I wanted to treat him. He tells the cashier that he lives nearby and just needs to go home and grab his wallet.

I had to be at work soon, but offered to drive him back. He assured me it was fine and he would just walk back. We were laughing, but I was mortified on the inside. Story credit: Reddit / ApolloThe3LeggedDog

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