The Most Embarrassing Real Life Moments

Lost In Translation

Flickr / Derrick Mealiffe / CC 2.0

When I was, maybe 14 years old, my family and I went on vacation to the Dominican Republic. First, let it be known that place is awesome. Such a good time. What I was unaware of though, was that it was also a huge European vacation destination. Well a day or two goes by and I’m pretty bored.

All I’ve done is spend time with my family, and of course, normal 14-year-old me knows vacations aren’t meant to be spent with the family! Finally, I see a group of English children who look to be about my age playing soccer (football) on this field within the resort.

Well, genius me decides these kids are not going to like me unless I’m English. So what do I do? I decide, by god, I’m going to become English and hang out with these guys. So I approach them and it actually goes a lot better than I thought.

I end up spending most of my time hanging out playing football with these chaps. It was awesome, I legit had these kids thinking I was English, they introduced me to their (topless) sisters and mums, and I genuinely liked these people.

Unfortunately, I held a dark secret that finally surfaced on the second to last day.

Pretty normal day, we’re all hanging out playing ping pong, everybody’s shouting having a good time, I’m shouting, of course in my English accent, when all of a sudden my WHOLE American family shows up behind me asking what I was doing…in front of all my new friends…..and their topless mums and sisters.

Ugh, I have never felt more shame EVER… Just seeing ALL those looks of confusion and disappointment (and of course pure laughter from my dad and sister). To this day I still haven’t lived that incident down.

Eight years and they still give me heck…Make sure your American family isn’t standing behind you while you lie to a bunch of English people…about being English… Story credit: Reddit / iAMtheBelvedere

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