The Most Embarrassing Real Life Moments

Smell Ya Later


Many years ago, I was talking to a girl on a voice chat line. We ended up wanting to meet in person, so I drove to her house. From my place, it took about 50 minutes, and then we went out to eat. Later in the evening, we decided to get a hotel room for some fun.

She gets on the bed, pulls off her jeans, and my god I have never smelled anything worse. I end up standing at the edge of the bed trying to explain to her why I don’t want to get on the bed for what felt like five minutes. Then she asks, is it a smell issue?

I could not have been happier to hear her say that, because now all I had to do was say yes. I told her this was not going to work out. I took her home and blocked her number. Story credit: Reddit / killstorm114573

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