The Most Embarrassing Real Life Moments

Two Can Play At That Game


I once was a server at a very upscale French restaurant in New York City. One evening, a middle-aged man and a younger woman were seated in my section, clearly on a date. You could tell that this woman was his mistress by the way they interacted with each other.

They were high maintenance, but pleasant enough nonetheless. Right after they had received their entrees, the man looked across the way to another table and lost all the color in his face. His date noticed, and she turned to see what he was looking at. Her jaw dropped to the floor.

The man’s wife was at another table, also on a date with her side piece, on the other side of the restaurant. The wife saw him and had the same expression on her face, which very quickly turned into rage.

She briskly walked over to his table and started whisper-yelling at him, as well as pointing her finger right in his face. He started to do the same back at her. It wasn’t a very big restaurant, so everyone could see what was going on and the atmosphere got icy real fast.

The man’s date was just staring down at her plate, absolutely mortified. She basically pretended nothing was happening and continued eating. Eventually, the wife stormed back over to her table and wolfed down her dinner. No exaggeration, she was like rage eating.

He sat down and his mistress wouldn’t speak to him for the rest of the meal. This was a fine dining restaurant and they ordered multiple courses. Having to clear, crumb, and reset their table two more times was less than fun.

He left a very big tip though and apologized on the way out. Story credit: Reddit / Offbeatnic

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