The Most Embarrassing Real Life Moments

A Super Screwup


Back in high school, I had a job as a web designer at a small webshop servicing non-profit organizations. My bosses didn’t let on that I was as young as I was, and they handled all the face-to-face client meetings. My job basically entailed designing and preparing the website for our clients.

One of our big clients was Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation. I sliced up the site and put in filler text, knowing full well that only people coming from our internal IP would be able to see the development. I should mention that my company was small, close-knit, and had a great (albeit vulgar) sense of humor.

Rather than going the standard lorem ipsum route, I did what ended up being the worst thing imaginable. I instead filled in something along the lines of “Herp derp I’m Christopher Reeve, I drive myself with a straw. Weaknesses include kryptonite and falling off horses.”

It got worse, but I’ll let your imaginations fill in the blanks. There were about four paragraphs of filler text. I came into work after school one day and all three of my company’s owners/my bosses were waiting for me. I thought they were pulling some prank, but they asked me to come into their office.

At this point, I knew something was definitely up. My boss: “Chris and Dana saw the site.” Me: “What? Who?” Him: “CRPF. Chris and Dana Reeve. The director wanted to show them the progress. Apparently he didn’t check before he showed it to him in person.”

At this point I think my stomach hit the floor and kept going straight on to the Earth’s core. My boss told me he’d let me know what the next steps were, but just to know that I was in deep, deep trouble.

Anyway, I didn’t get fired (despite how adamant Dana Reeve was about that fact) and I had to write an apology to the Reeves. I found out later that Chris actually had a pretty solid sense of humor and thought it was funny. RIP, Mr. and Mrs. Reeve. Story credit: Reddit / heyitsgarrett

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