The Most Embarrassing Real Life Moments

It’s a Big Poop After All


I took my three-year-old son to Disney World for a vacation. Of course, after about an hour in the park, both I and the offspring have to go to use the bathroom. So, we head off to one of the main bathrooms right next to the big castle. I let the boy go first.

He performed a nice quick dump, complete with the customary “Good Job!” compliment from me, as we were still reinforcing the potty training mantras. Then, I of course sit down and perform my own glorious number two, complete with a nice long “squeaky door” fart which had the offspring in hysterics.

At this point, the child starts screaming out in a voice that can only be described as booming “GOOD JOB DADDY! YOU’RE THE BEST POOPER I KNOW!” This, of course, led to various chuckles from within the long line of stalls populated by other fathers.

The chuckles ended up turning into outright boisterous laughter. I was so proud of my pooping abilities and so glad to finally be getting some widespread recognition for this special talent of mine.

Well, I’m a somewhat shameless person, so I clean up and go wash my hands to find that I’m now getting many nods of approval from everyone in the can who had heard the interchange.

I was the best pooper at Disney World that day and was somehow both internally embarrassed and outwardly entertained at the same time. And no one can ever take that away from me. Story credit: Reddit / Explodo86

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