The Most Embarrassing Real Life Moments

The Last Laugh


I had a date with a girl who asked me out. At the time, this had never happened before, and I was excited. We went for dinner and then picked a bar for a couple of drinks.

We went back to my house and she politely informed me that we could chill at my house, but that she doesn’t sleep with people on the first date. “No worries,” I told her and we hung out with my roommates and listened to music.

After a couple of hours, she told me she had a great time but that she was going to head home. Since my roommates were home she asked if I would walk her to her car. Once we got out there she leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back and a light makeout session occurred for maybe thirty seconds.

We hug and she must have felt my bulge of excitement because she looked down. I also looked down, and what do I see? My package visibly out of the top of my waistline. She loses it as if it’s the funniest thing she’s ever seen. I stammered out an apology as she gets in her car.

She never stopped heaving with laughter but said, “I’ll text you.” The joke ended up being on me because I dated that girl for a couple of months until she dumped me on my birthday. Story credit: Reddit / Lurkist

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