The Most Embarrassing Real Life Moments

Series Of Unfortunate Events


This one is sad. I was managing a restaurant at the time and I had a lady in her mid-forties come in dressed pretty nicely. She was not an ugly woman by any means, but she wasn’t overly attractive either. She was super excited to be going on a blind date and she even showed up early for it.

She sat down and had a drink while chatting up the bartenders, servers, and myself. We all really liked this woman. She was super sweet, friendly, and seemed to be having a nice time. But then her date showed up, and everything unraveled. He came in about a half-hour late and was talking on the phone.

He sat next to the woman and continued talking on the phone. Finally, he got off the phone and went over to the bar to get a drink. That was strange since the server would have offered to get one for him anyway.

He proceeded to order a drink from the bar, down it, order another, and then just stay there, sitting. The woman tried to have a conversation with him, but he was constantly looking around the room as if he was trying to see if there was anything better that he could be doing.

Finally, when the waitress took their order, he asked for his food to go. When his food came out, he grabbed it, then got up and left. He tried to say something to me about how the woman was not attractive and he had to get out of there. He did it in a way where he tried to get me to agree with him.

I just eye-rolled at him while he walked away. The woman started crying and my entire female staff went over to the table to try and talk to her.

I was going to basically let her hang out there all night and get whatever she wanted on the house, but she was too upset and left shortly after. That guy was such a jerk. She was such a sweetheart. It really angered me to see how he treated her. Story credit: Reddit / Robert_Ricigliano

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