The Most Embarrassing Real Life Moments

Times Were Tough In The Nineties


My wife was set up on a blind date by a friend several years before I met her. They agreed to meet at a mall and then go from there. This is the late nineties, before cell phones, so he tells her he’ll be wearing blue jeans and a Megadeth t-shirt and she tells him her outfit so they can identify each other.

She arrives at the mall and sits down to wait. After thirty minutes there’s still no sign of him. She’s about to leave when a guy approaches her and asks if she’s waiting for a date. It’s him, but wearing a completely different outfit. Confused, she asks why he told her he’d be wearing something else. 

His response was absolutely insane. He just shrugged and says his mom didn’t do the laundry yet. Two strikes… They still decide to grab some food. He tried to use an expired coupon and started an argument with the girl behind the counter. At the table, he asks my wife if she knows how to cook.

What meals does she know how to cook? Can she make this or how does she make that etc. The conversation continues but now he adds, “Do you do it naked?” after everything.

For example, she likes to go rock climbing, “but do you do it naked?” Or, I like to grow my own vegetables, “but do you do it naked?” Needless to say, my wife decided to end the date early and leave.

He asks if she can lend him bus fare since his mom won’t be coming to get him for several hours. He was twenty-seven years old. Story credit: Reddit / kor_hookmaster

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