The Strangest Real Life Stories From the Drive-Through

Does Not Compute


I had a weird conversation in the drive thru as a customer. I ordered a burger menu and the girl/woman asks through the speaker: DT: “What drink would you like with your menu?”

Me: “I’d like some orange juice, please.” DT: “Pardon me?” Me: “Some orange juice, please.” DT: “Some what?” Me: “Orange juice.” DT: “…” Me: “Orange juice. Juice. OJ. Jus d’orange.”

Looooong silence…. DT in completely neutral voice tone: “What drink would you like with your menu, sir?” I swear I could almost hear the zap-fizzz as she reset before that sentence. Restart program. I ordered a coke and left. Story credit: Reddit / sentient_salami

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