The Strangest Things Ever Discovered During Routine House Calls

Floating Glass


Used to work in a glass company awhile back and while I was training I would tag along with the old vets. We did a lot of shower door installs and stuff.

Anyways we are in the wealthy part of town, beautiful large house. Lady needs the silicone around her massive 3/4 inch glass shower door. It was fixed, so it didn’t swing or anything. I forgot the name for it. But this guy was huge, like 9 feet tall by 7feet and 3 quarters inch thick.

The old guy said “poor guy to whoever installed this.” So we are working for a while getting the old silicone off the tile where the glass met the floor. Nothing out of the ordinary, usually seal fixed glass with silicone in the shower.

But then he stops scraping and sits up and says “what in the world?” And looks around the edges of this monster piece of glass. He just realized that this monstrosity was being completely held by silicone alone. Usually there is brackets drilled in the walls to hold in place, silicone just keeps the water in.

But this thing had silicone caked along all the edges where it touched the wall. He immediately stopped working and went and found the owner and told them this shower is a death trap and should not be used. He was baffled on how the hell they even got it to stay up, seeing it takes 24 hours for silicone to dry.

He seriously had never seen anything like it. “40 years working glass and I’ve never seen something so wild.” Story credit: Reddit / thunderstriken

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