The Worst Accidents to Ever Happen at Theme Parks Might Make You Reconsider Your Vacation

Sizzler Ride, 2007

Flickr / Benny Mazur / CC 2.0

7-year-old Mariscal Alvarado and his mother got on the Sizzler ride at the Expo Center in Hope, Arkansas in 2007. The boy had reportedly been moving around after the ride’s door opened suddenly. Ride operator Dewayne Mathis claimed: “The little boy was going to get up or something, because the door come open and he was moving around, and he got up and it slung them back. His mama tried to drag him back in, and this woman told me to shut down the machine, and, when I shut it down, both of them flew out.” The boy and his mom were taken to a nearby hospital, but he did not survive.

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