The Worst Cheaters Exposed For Their Awful Deeds



This isn’t the first time I’ve been cheated on, but I thought I was going to marry him and I never saw it coming. It’s still fresh because it happened last weekend.

When we first started dating, I remember a pack of protections being in his nightstand. We had gotten tested together and our relationship was supposed to be monogamous, so I forgot about them.

Last weekend, I had a weird feeling. I checked the nightstand and the pack was gone. Something led me to the closet and my jaw dropped when I looked inside.

I found the overnight bag he used to bring to my place whenever he stayed the night. I thought to myself, he hasn’t used that in a while.

When I opened it, there were dirty clothes, condom wrappers, and all sorts of intimate goodies placed in individual bags. My boyfriend told me he didn’t like doing freaky stuff, so when I saw what was inside the bag, I knew he had been unfaithful.

This prompted a full search and I found a secret play dresser full of role play costumes, lingeries, and devices that I had to Google! I confronted him about it and he denied it at first, but he eventually admitted the truth. He had no intention of telling me.


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