The Worst Cheaters Exposed For Their Awful Deeds



We were at a party together and she said she wasn’t feeling well. My friend was leaving early because he had to work in the morning, so he offered to drive her home.

Innocent. We were all friends, and we helped each other out. Still, I had a weird feeling in my gut, so when I left the party, I made a quick stop at her house.

As I drove down her street, I saw my friend’s car parked in front of her house. I turned my lights off and slowly drove closer. When I was parallel to his car, I blasted my high beams—at that moment, I discovered their disgusting secret. There they were, totally going for it.

They pulled away from a kiss when they saw me. I pulled up to the side of his car and we both rolled down our windows. I asked how everyone was feeling and drove home single.


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