The Worst Cheaters Exposed For Their Awful Deeds



I came home from work and she was upstairs. I yelled for her and she said she was on the phone talking to her mom, and then she closed the bathroom door so I couldn’t hear her anymore.

At the time, it was as if someone invisible was standing behind me, whispering “she’s lying.” It was 2002 and we had a landline with cordless phones and a base station.

I walked into the room with the base station, then hit mute and turned on the speaker. At that moment, my worst fears were confirmed. I heard her talking to a guy and I could tell from the conversation that they had been intimate for a while.

They were talking about when I would be working next. I didn’t say anything; I just talked to a lawyer and filed for divorce. When I told her I knew and had already sought a lawyer, she started dating the other guy.


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