The Worst Cheaters Exposed For Their Awful Deeds



I was eight months pregnant with our second child and he wanted to go visit his brother for the weekend. I asked my doctor if it was safe for me to travel and she said it would be fine.

I told my husband I could go but he said he was really hoping to just have some time with his brother. I understood because a new baby really makes it hard to spend quality time, but I asked if he could take our older son (three years old at the time) so he could see his grandma and cousins.

He said they were planning on drinking and whatnot and wasn’t sure it would be a good idea (they’re country boys so think shooting, drinking).

I agreed and he left for the weekend. After he left I got a call from his best friend telling me that he’ll be in town for the weekend and he wanted to meet up, not weird he called me because my husband was terrible at answering his phone.

I told him unfortunately my husband was visiting back home, bad timing. His best friend then said okay, I’m going to call you back, and hung up very abruptly. Turns out my husband and his wife had been caught by him a few months previously and he gave them a chance to make it right. I don’t know why. He didn’t tell me but threatened to if they didn’t stop.

Well, they didn’t stop and he told me. I think the worst part was that my husband’s family knew and never once thought to tell me. These people were my family for five years and nothing. It’s been almost 10 years now and I’m so much happier but it was definitely an eye-opening experience.


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