The Worst Cheaters Exposed For Their Awful Deeds



I found out because she walked into my work at 3 am in another man’s hoodie and leopard print high heels. Before this, I had my suspicions due to the usual changes in behavior, but I was working a new overnight shift at a printing store and I thought it might be related to the schedule changes.

Then my girlfriend walked in that morning looking like she’d been crying.

I was puzzled because I assumed she was at home sleeping. I asked her what was going on and she sobbed that she wrecked her car and needed a drive home.

I gave her my keys and figured we would talk about it in the morning. When I get home at 8 am, her purse was on the table, which I accidentally knocked over.

My blood boiled when I looked at the contents that fell out onto the floor.

I immediately unlocked her phone and go to her messages. I found a long chat history between her and another man, detailing their affair. It had been going on for a while.

I woke her up and kicked her out. Turns out, the night before, she had lost control of her car while with the other guy, totaling it in the process.


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