The Worst Cheaters Exposed For Their Awful Deeds



I caught my ex when we were both standing in the examining room, getting his “UTI treatment.” Doc came in and said gonorrhea. He lied for a whole 2-3 months I imagine.

Even lied about how he got it, tried convincing me he accidentally swiped his genitals in some mystery fluids in a gas station toilet (what in the world…).

When he realized I wasn’t that stupid, he tried to drink random bottles on the doctor’s shelf. He started hitting himself. He fell on his knees sobbing and tried grabbing my hands and begging for me not to leave.

He threatened murder-suicide that entire night, and assaulted me for close to nine hours when I was trying to pack my bags to leave. He choked me in the driveway.

I just spoke at his sentencing this Thursday. He is a convicted felon now. I hope he’s grown from this.


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