I was dating a co-worker for under a month, but he was already saying big sentences like, “I think I’m falling in love with you.” I responded with, “I need to go slower.” I don’t have a lot of relationship experience and I wasn’t sure what was acceptable timing, but it felt too quick.
One night, a group of us went out for dinner.
I noticed he was being super affectionate with another colleague. He was whispering in her ear and touching her arm, barely paying me any attention.
I decided to end things a few days later, but he said we could go slower. He insisted we had something special and that I should stick it out.
I felt conflicted but I ultimately agreed to continue dating.
Two days later, I walked into an unexpected surprise in the breakroom—I found him with the same colleague from dinner playing tonsil tennis. I think I gasped and that caused them to pry their faces apart.
My head-over-heels Romeo then said, “Hey, we are going to go out to dinner, you should join us!” I was too stunned to respond…I just turned around and walked out.