The Worst Cheaters Exposed For Their Awful Deeds



I met her on a dating site and she lived in a different city. We started texting and calling each other on a daily basis before I went to visit her for a weekend.

The trip was great and two weeks later, she came to visit me. Everything felt good and we continued dating for a few months. We even took a vacation together and I felt happy.

Then, I began to notice that the things she told me didn’t always add up. I gave her the benefit of the doubt, but I had this growing, subliminal suspicion that something was wrong.

One night, I ended up with her phone in my hand when she went to the bathroom. I looked at the screen and my heart stopped—an email popped up from a guy named Christian.

Christian was confirming the flight he had booked for them. I opened it and took a picture with my phone, but didn’t confront her immediately and took my time to process.

I asked her how many boyfriends she currently had and explained my gut feelings. She admitted to dating other people but told me nothing was as serious as what we had.

Then, I told her I knew about Christian and said he deserved to know about me. Immediately, she got emotional, begging me to leave him out of this and saying through tears that they had plans.

I ended things that day and wrote an email to Christian that night. He didn’t know she was seeing other partners either and found out she had been dating both of us at the same time.


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