The Worst Cheaters Exposed For Their Awful Deeds



I was eighteen and my girlfriend wanted us to live together. We signed our lease in September and our first month was exciting! But by November, we were having problems.

We worked different shifts, and my days off landed when she was working. One time, I woke up on my day off, kissed her goodbye, and grabbed her iPad to settle in and play some games.

As I was playing a game, an iMessage came through. That wasn’t uncommon, but it was weird that she was receiving texts at 6 am.

I decided not to open the text notifications—I put the iPad down and took a nap instead. When I woke up, I decided to play games on the iPad again, but this time, when I opened the screen, it instantly went to the unread messages.

I almost dropped the iPad when I read the conversation.

She was talking with her ex-boyfriend and based on the message history, I could tell they’d been talking for a while. I waited for her to get home so we could talk about it, but she denied it at first and tried to spin it on me.

Then, I brought up what they were talking about that morning and she realized she had been caught.

Things moved pretty quickly after that. A couple of days later, we were broken up and she moved out. After she left, I went down to the rental office and took my name off the lease.

It cost me a couple of hundred bucks but I was getting the best revenge. She never told the building she was leaving, so the apartment stayed registered to her.

She tried to apply for another apartment and found out her credit was bad due to an eviction. She tried to take me to court but lost that battle too and got stuck paying unpaid rent, late fees, and legal costs.

I’ve never regretted it for a second. You can break my heart but I’ll break your credit score if you do!


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