The Worst Cheaters Exposed For Their Awful Deeds



We were engaged, and it was about four months to the wedding. It was her birthday, and a Friday. We had both wanted to see Blue Man Group for a while, so I had ordered tickets for us.

Being a Friday, I took off half a day to surprise her. When I arrived home, there was an unknown car in the drive, and the garage was open, which was extremely unusual.

It also happened to bypass the security camera we had facing the front door.

I go in through the garage to hear the unmistakable sounds of love-making in our bedroom. I ended our relationship then and there, which her family claimed “broke” her.

The last time I looked her up a couple of years ago, she had had two kids with two different guys, and had spent time in prison (it was a small town, so no surprises there).

Her family still made me out to be the bad guy in the relationship when I ended it because I didn’t forgive her. Worst of all, I never did get to see Blue Man Group in person.


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