The Worst Cheaters Exposed For Their Awful Deeds



I found out he was cheating shortly after I found out I was pregnant. So, honestly, he probably could have gotten away with it even longer.

At the time, I was going through all sorts of weird emotions, so I pushed off the weird vibes I was getting as “things are weird right now, you’re reading too much into it.”

When I think back on it, I’m not sure what exactly tipped me off. Days before it was confirmed, I realized he was suddenly taking phone calls from someone who, when he spoke to them, was apparently so important that he was talking low and chuckling all flirty, and he made sure to be on the phone only when I wasn’t in the room.

Then she called while we were in the middle of a serious “What are we gonna do about this baby?” kind of talk, and seeing her name/picture pop up on his phone set off an alarm in my gut.

But I couldn’t place the feeling. Finally, I just straight up asked if he was screwing around with the girl. He denied it, turned it on me, end of convo.

Few days later, he left his phone in the bathroom, and that nagging feeling was still there. So, I bit the bullet and checked his phone.

There were hundreds of texts to/from her, lots of explicit stuff and “I love you”s. But there’s a twist: It turned out I was the other woman, and he had a 3-year long distance thing going on with this other girl.

I was devastated.


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