The Worst Cheaters Exposed For Their Awful Deeds



The husband of one of the women he was cheating on me with called me at work. At first, I didn’t believe him and hung up.

How could the man I spent the past eight years with, and had two beautiful babies with (suffered together the loss of one of those children), do something so hurtful?

Still, a part of me needed to know. He had affairs in other relationships and we had a rocky patch early in the beginning where I suspected an affair but didn’t have proof.

I told my boss I felt sick and that I had to leave early and I called this guy back and found out that my ex and this guy’s wife along with one of their friends were all sleeping together for about a year.

He had confronted my ex and told him that he was going to tell me but my ex convinced him to wait,  since my mother was very ill.

I took my time coming home and confronted him and told him to pack and leave. Since then, I’ve pieced together a lot of what happened and realized all the lies he told me.

If I was in a different headspace I might have caught on to the affairs earlier. I also found videos hidden on one of our computers and found out he was having booty calls in our apartment while I was at work and he was watching our daughter.

At that point, it put the headstone on any possibility of reconciliation.


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