The Worst Cheaters Exposed For Their Awful Deeds



My first girlfriend cheated on me and accidentally mentioned his name during a conversation. I didn’t recognize it, so I asked who he was. After poking and prodding, she confessed her unfaithfulness but didn’t feel any guilt over her actions.

She maintained this weird double standard where it was fine for her to do what she did, but I shouldn’t try anything similar or it would be over.

My next relationship never felt right. We mutually agreed to split because we could tell it wasn’t going very well. A couple of days later, she posted pictures from a date she was on with another guy who I actually recognized.

She acted weird towards the end of our relationship, but I have no proof that she ever did anything with that guy.

My third girlfriend is a plot twist because she was cheating on me, but with people who I absolutely did NOT expect. She confessed that she had been with multiple girls.

I found out because she was low key bragging to her friends. She implied I was homophobic if I wasn’t okay with her “fooling around” with her friends.

It took me the better part of a year to see the flaws with that logic and had a friend help me end it.


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