The Worst Cheaters Exposed For Their Awful Deeds



We had been married for a few years and it was great, but once we had a baby, he panicked. All of a sudden he didn’t know what he wanted.

Eventually, he asked me for space. We still spoke but he wasn’t involved with our baby or fixing our marriage. Ten months later, I added a new Amazon Echo to our family Prime account and I noticed a device I didn’t recognize.

I figured out that the device was set up at the place where he was currently living. Since it was linked to our account, I was able to go through voice requests and play them back.

One recording sent chills up my spine. It was my husband saying, “Alexa, play beautiful love songs” while in the background I can hear intimate noises.

Turns out, he was having an affair with a colleague.

They’d been having an affair since at least the birth of our daughter, but lots of clues say it started before. It was easier to end it considering how long he had already been gone.

When I originally shared this on social media, it got picked up by a tabloid newspaper with the headline ‘Amazon Slimeball’ which is now what he is saved as in my contacts forever.


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