These Are Hands Down The Pettiest Divorces Ever

Stuck In The Moment With You


This couple was breaking up, and the husband moved out of the house. The wife went to work the next morning as usual. When she came back home in the evening, she found the husband had been to the house and to take his clothing and belongings as she had expected. But he also did something else that she’d never expected—he’d gotten the pettiest revenge ever.

He’d super-glued her belongings together. He glued the TV remote to the table, the phone to its cradle, the pillows to the couch, and even glued the vacuum cleaner to the carpet. She had to report it all as property damage. The officer went with her through the house documenting dozens of items glued to various things.

But for days, she was discovering more things stuck together. So, she then called me to amend or update her report with complaints like, “The oven mitts were glued to the wall!” or “He glued the sheets together in the linen closet!” I’ve seen people do and say really awful things to each other, but that was diabolical. ~ Maxwyfe

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