These Neighbors Are A Nightmare To Live With

Teaching Them A Lesson


Mine constantly try to get us in trouble with HOA. I live with my Fiancé and two sisters. There’s not enough room in the driveway to have all of our vehicles on there. So, one of us parks on the side of the street. For months, at least once per week, I would catch one of them slow-rolling past our house, taking pictures out the window.

One day, I was going dove hunting. I had my shotgun in one hand and my Glock on my hip ( I was gonna go shoot some cans or something with that). I was walking out to my truck, and by pure chance, these guys were driving past my house. I started yelling at them to fuck off, not clicking in my head that I had two firearms in my possession. In a rather anti-second amendment area. Their eyes turned went wide, and they sped off. Haven’t caught them doing it since. I felt kind of bad bc I knew how it looked, but I’m not upset at the result.

Story credit – Reddit/KNGSlick

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