These People Prove Just How Gullible You Can Be



I was working retail at the mall and this girl came in to look at some of our wares. While trying to sell her some stuff I noticed she had a bracelet or necklace or something (can’t remember) with the zodiac sign for Scorpio on it.

I happened to know we were under Scorpio at the time (I don’t buy into that stuff, I just happened to know this). So, I stopped talking suddenly and said, “I’m sorry….but…you had a birthday recently or are having one soon, right?” She looked surprised and said, “Yeah. How’d you know?”

I hadn’t planned this out but I immediately said, in a tone that suggested pride mixed with modesty, “I’m psychic.” The girl got wide-eyed real quick and started backing away. It was priceless.

If I had wanted to lose the sale I would have left it at that, but I quickly told her I was kidding and how I really knew. Still, that look of shock never fully left her face. For all I know she still tells the story of the psychic salesman. Story credit: Reddit / NikkoE82

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