These People Prove Just How Gullible You Can Be

Ice To Meet You


I had moved, as a 16-year-old Junior, from Alaska to California at the end of my Junior year. My new teachers, of course, decided to introduce me as “MizRenee from Alaska,” and encouraged questions from my new classmates.

To my abject horror, most of them were from purportedly intelligent students asking things like “did you have blow-dryers, curling irons, electricity, etc.,” and the ever-popular “did you live in an igloo.” I finally couldn’t take it anymore, so when the igloo question popped up?

I quite seriously looked at the class and said, “of course we lived in an igloo – a two-story one in fact, and the dog-sled igloo was attached too. Unfortunately, we turned the whale-oil heater up too high, and it melted both igloos, and, because it’s April, the snow’s no good this time of year for building another one, which is why I’ve moved down here.”

I was appalled when Every. Single. Person. – including the teacher – believed me. No questions asked. Story credit: Reddit / MizRenee

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