Strange Things People Overheard While They Were Pretending to Be Asleep

A Cherished Moment With Mom 


“When I was 6/7 I remember staying up late without the babysitter realizing whilst my parents were out. I remember when they came back home I was so worried about getting into trouble for still being awake that I pretended to be asleep. Mum came in the room asking whether or not I was awake (I stayed quiet) and then she just sat down on my bed.

She was quiet for what felt like forever but was probably only a couple of minutes before she bent over, stroked my hair, and kissed the top of my head whilst telling me how much she loved me and how much I meant to her and then she tucked the covers around me tighter and left.

To this day it’s my favorite memory of her and one I’ve never shared with anyone.” Story credit: Reddit / @FlyOnDreamWings

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