Strange Things People Overheard While They Were Pretending to Be Asleep

She Heard Her Boyfriend Talking About Her 


“I wasn’t pretending, I had been asleep for about 30 minutes while my boyfriend and his buddy were smoking. I’m not really sure what woke me up but I kind of became conscious for a few moments but didn’t really move or anything so I was just trying to go back to sleep.

Anyway, my boyfriend, who had been rubbing my back as I slept, turned to his buddy and said “Hey man, you see this girl right here? I’m gonna marry her one day. She’s gonna be my wife.” And his buddy just says “yeah dude, I know. And I’ll be standing right there with you when it happens.”

It was so sweet and it was so hard to not just tear up or smile or anything. But when things are tough I sure do think of that night.” Story credit: Reddit / @Totally_Not_Anna

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