Strange Things People Overheard While They Were Pretending to Be Asleep

The Cops Pulled Over a Sleeping Driver


“One night during high school, my friend and I got invited to a party. I didn’t drive back then so my friend picked me up. All went well on our way to the party. On the way back however, he got pulled over.

As we were pulling to the side of the road, I told him that I was gonna pretend to be sleeping (since I was the passenger). Anyway, I hear the cop get out of his cop car, walk towards our car, stops at the window but doesn’t say anything.

I can feel the brightness of his flashlight but I don’t hear him or my friend say anything. After about what seemed like an eternity, I decide to open my eyes to see what’s going on. That’s when I see my friend, the guy who is driving, is pretending like he is sleeping too.

So after my initial internal “[oh no]” moment, the cop, who was obviously messing with us, apologized for waking us up and asked us to step out of the car.

He never said but I’m sure he suspected us of being under the influence, which we weren’t (my friend and I were just being dumb kids, him more so than me obviously). We fully cooperated and since we weren’t out past curfew, we were soon on our way.

The reason the cops pulled us over? My friends car had a busted tail light. I asked him what did he hope to accomplish by pretending to be sleep-driving, to which he replied that he thought I had a smart idea and he should do what I did.

He’ll probably be glad to know that his most embarrassing moment is now my highest rated comment on Reddit.” Story credit: Reddit / @Puppetz1287

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