Strange Things People Overheard While They Were Pretending to Be Asleep

Late Night College Routine


“Back in my freshman year at college my roommate would go to the gym late at night and he would text me when he was heading back home. I’d try to hop in bed then because if we got to talking when he was back, we’d be up for hours.

Once or twice a week this would happen where he would get back to a dark room with me looking like I was asleep (when in reality I was just laying down with my eyes shut, trying to get to sleep). He would unpack his stuff and kind of talk to himself a bit occasionally saying weird stuff about how peaceful I looked.

He’d get in his bed and hop on his laptop and start browsing reddit and he’d usually be whispering “Oh what the [eff]?” on and off for about a half hour before I’d get tired of it and make a loud chicken noise. Without fail it would scare him and he’d laugh and get off of his computer and go to bed.” Story credit: Reddit / @ghostphantom

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