Strange Things People Overheard While They Were Pretending to Be Asleep

A Quiet Moment Turned Into a Relationship


“I was 17 [years old], at school (I went to a really [bad] school that I loved and still do, where we wouldn’t even need to be in class), we were outside of the classroom, with a couple of friends and it was cold, almost snowing in a place where it never snows.

I was trying to sleep in a “friends” lap; I liked the dude, and I didn’t know if he liked me. When he thought I was asleep he started to pet me, like touching my hair and my head in a very relaxed way while talking to the rest of our friends (he wasn’t really affectionate in a physical way with anyone).

He shushed them a couple of times so they wouldn’t wake me up. Sweetest thing, never told him I heard him, or knew anything about that. Ended up having a relationship with him for two and a half years.” Story credit: Reddit

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