A Drunken Love Confession At a Party
“I’m not the party-goer like my boyfriend is, so two years ago we went to his pal’s evening of festivities, everyone was drunk except me. It was 1AM, which is super late for me so I found a comfy spot on the floor and began to drift off until my name came up in conversation.
The girl I met earlier was telling my boyfriend how cute she thinks I am and my boyfriend goes off into one of his drunken spiels. He confesses his profound love for me to this complete stranger.
It was still early in the relationship so he was scared of admitting any of this to me, but he gushed. He still doesn’t know I know, he probably doesn’t even remember, but I recall this being one of the most touching moments of my life. We’re still going strong and just got engaged on Thursday.” Story credit: Reddit / @smeder